The Customer is King

The Customer is King

the customer is kingOur restaurants would be nothing without the customer. The Customer is King. In this time and age, it is very important to focus on customer service, you need to go over and beyond to get the customer to say and shout “I received WOW Service”.

How does a typical restaurant become a WOW restaurant?
It starts with the hiring process, you need to interview and hire top performing employees.

How do I hire top performing employees?
Two manager interview team – The first manager does the first interview asking open-ended questions.

After the first interview in completed, then the second manager will interview that employee for the second time.

The goal is to get the applicant to do most of the talking, that’s why you should ask open-ended questions. Try to stay away from yes or no questions. You need to learn as much as possible about the applicant’s personal and job history. There are certain legal guidelines that every business has to follow. Interview questions can be tricky, especially if you are asking illegal interview questions that could put you and your restaurant in hot water.

To learn more about the interview process:

To learn more about interview questions:

Once both you and the second interviewing manager decides who would be the best fit for the job, then the next step will be to verify previous job history. It is recommended that you have at least three reference checks done per applicant.

Use this telephone reference check form for your restaurant:

Another great idea is to do criminal background checks on employees who are dealing with money or sensitive material. You can also learn about your applicant’s personal finances by doing a credit check. Remember, it is your restaurant, know who you are hiring. Once everything checks out, then it is time to make a job offer to the applicant.

Training is an Investment not an Expense

Invest in a good quality training program. The return of investments (ROI) will be overwhelming providing management follows the training process that was established in your restaurant. Management and staff members need to be held accountable when goals are not met. Every trainer that is involved in the training process needs to be consistent with each and every employee.

It is recommended that you hold weekly meetings to go over the previous weeks concerns. The person in charge of the weekly meeting should have an action plan form available. The manager will ask the employees for suggestions on how to correct the issues. Sometimes it is better to get other peoples perspective on the situation. To keep things rolling forward, an action plan will be written with targetable results, keep things simple and achievable. When you are writing an action plan, include reasonable time frames.

During these meetings be upbeat, positive and professional.

There are all sorts of topics for your staff meeting that you can choose from:

  • Customer complaints
  • Employee attitudes
  • Food or labor cost issues
  • Declining sales
  • New menu items
  • Employee recognition
  • Training
  • Safety and security


Employee Training

The training process is the most important step in creating a wow restaurant. It sets the tone for a successful, profitable business. If you are not capable in training your staff, then seek professional help.

Restaurant Consulting Companies normally will have available management/staff training services. Think about this, you are investing into your restaurant’s future success.

Owners and managers need to successfully master every position in the restaurant. Managers need to take personal ownership while running shifts. Basically, the manager is acting as if they were the owner. That is a good thing, taking personal ownership in everything you do will create pride in the workplace.

Naturally, the scheme of reception Xanax is determined by a specialist individually from 1 to 3 months and up to six months. Break again the course of the reception to achieve an optimal result. Anxiety, tension, PA, insomnia have decreased to a minimum, but I think they will stop altogether after a full course of treatment. I take Xanax at only 2 weeks and the result is noticeable.

Once the training process has been successfully completed, then the employee is now ready to work solo. Managers throughout the shift will monitor the employee’s behavior and professionalism while working their assigned positions. Managers will also monitor guest services to ensure that nothing has been compromised. Managers wear many hats, they need to make quick decisions. Successful restaurants have top performing managers and employees.

The Manager Performance Review
A fantastic tool in documenting your manager’s work performance. It is recommended that you do managers performance reviews quarterly. Document the manager’s shortfalls and strengths. Develop and measurable action plans with reasonable, attainable results.

The Managers 360 Feedback Form
Ever desire to evaluate management from the employee’s perspective? The Restaurant manager 360 feedback form is key to recognizing areas of Opportunities.

The restaurant manager 360 feedback form is perfect for keeping your managers on track. The reason it works is because employees are able to help in evaluating a manager.

They can give honest feedback so that you’ll know the manager’s strengths and areas of improvement. The restaurant manager 360 feedback is widely practiced in corporate restaurant all throughout the United States.

Hand out the restaurant manager 360 feedback to a select group of employees that you know that would give you honest feedback. Make certain the employees filling out the restaurant manager 360 feedback form don’t print or sign the form as this needs to be totally anonymous.

The owners/general manager will be reviewing the restaurant manager 360 feedback with management. The reason why the restaurant manager 360 feedback needs to be anonymous is because of possible reprisals against the employee that filled out the form.

The restaurant manager 360 feedback is a great tool if used properly and systematically, it will strengthen the management staff.

Employee Performance Review
This form is useful to help track employee performance and maintain an unbiased and consistent record.

How do you hold your employees accountable? Do you have a system in place to help your employees rank better in proficiency?

By conducting a restaurant performance review on your employees you will be targeting areas of opportunities. Utilize the action plan to correct the employee’s performance and set a time frame to be corrected.

This also is a great way to document the employee’s performance path.

I gave you valuable information and tools to monitor and correct issues that could be hindering your restaurant’s performance.


Step 1) Management and staff training

Step 2) Management oversees the employee’s performance and guest expeditions.

Step 3) Conduct weekly staff meetings

Step 4) Conduct quarterly performance reviews on management and staff members.

The customer is king through implementation of a wow training program. Train your staff members on how you want them to act and function in your place of business.

Customer Service


WOW Customer Service is key to a thriving business. There are too many businesses that lack customer service skills. In-fact negative customer service will hugely affect your bottom line. Customers that leave your restaurant unhappy will tell their friends, family and co-workers.

Most people have a gigantic Facebook, Google + or Twitter address book. All it takes is to compose a message, then press the send key and off it goes. Your restaurant’s reputation is on the line. What will you do to keep your businesses reputation?

Owners and managers wake up and get focused and energized your businesses future depends on it. Don’t be like so many others restaurants out there that provide below average customer service to their customers.

From the very beginning set high standards and follow through to ensure your guest are receiving top notch customer service from your staff, including management.

In today’s world, people text, email, and share all kinds of things such as: a good restaurant experience or a bad restaurant experience.

Literally hundreds of people will know about the restaurant experience all from one person. You have the power to reverse what people are saying about your business.

It all starts with management, managers set the tone and follow policies and procedures. These managers observe employees either doing the right thing or not doing the right thing.

Train your managers and staff members in customer service skills.

Develop a customer service training manual, review it with all the managers to work out the kinks. Managers and supervisors need to agree to follow and implement the training program daily. Management is the key to a consistent successful training program.

Once the managers know how the training program works, then it is their responsibility for training the rest of the crew. From that point on managers are to observe the staff members while they are performing their task to ensure they are providing top notch customer service to each and every guest that walks through your front doors. Set High standards, your customers will expect it.

Mystery Shoppers

Mystery Shoppers

mystery shopperMystery Shoppers are chosen individuals to go undercover in any business acting as a customer. These mystery shoppers normally have a form that they use to grade the restaurant and the employees on performance, customer service, quality food fast, clean restaurant, friendly and professional staff and so on.  This mystery shoppers are paid. These individuals normally arrive at the restaurant during peak times. The mystery shoppers form is a fantastic tool to identify operational issues, inconsistent food and service, professionalism among management and staff members and many more.

You can choose anyone to be a mystery shopper, friends, family or an Acquaintance. You are paying them with a meal from your restaurant, the mystery shopper is undercover, not even the owner or manager knows that they undercover.

Here is how it works:

You designate someone as a Mystery Shopper, then you train them on what is expected from them as a mystery shoppers.  Normally there is a mystery shopper form that is used to grade the business.

After the mystery shopper is done, then they go up to the register and pay for their meal, this person will need the receipt to be Reimburse.  That mystery Shopper will either drop the form off at the mystery shopper’s office or they will mail it, scan it or email it.  The owner/manager will normally get the results with-in a few days.

Try to have 4 mystery shoppers a month, maybe once a week during the busiest times in your restaurant.

After receiving all 4 mystery shopper’s forms from the mystery shoppers, then analyze the information and look for consistent issues, patterns, same issues same employees, etc. You should be able to pinpoint areas of opportunity.

Most defiantly the mystery shoppers program works, after collecting several mystery shopping forms look for patterns, consistent issues, same employees creating problems, service related issues.  You will be able to form an idea as to what’s going on in your restaurant. Use your finding and eliminate each issue until each issues is fixed.  If the issue is an employee, then maybe retrain them per your standards.

If the issue was a serious issues such as foul language, insubordination or being rude to a guest, then a more serious approached to the situation needs to occur, suspension or termination of employment.

Click on the below forms, you will be taken to Workplace Wizards Restaurant Consulting Company where you will learn more valuable information on mystery shoppers forms for restaurant and bars.

Mystery Shoppers Forms with or without Alcohol to be used in the dining room or at the bar

 Mystery Shoppers Forms for Restaurants and Bars

Mystery Shoppers

Visit these links for more information and prices on Mystery Shopper Forms:
Mystery Shopper Dining Room No Alcohol 
Mystery Shopper Dining Room With Alcohol 
Mystery Shopper Bar


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