Restaurant Consulting in Pennsylvania

Restaurant Consulting in Pennsylvania

Workplace Wizards Restaurant Consulting in Pennsylvania serves all 50 states and Canada.

What is Restaurant Consulting?

When you need to pinpoint issues within the restaurant, then you should hire a Restaurant Consultant. Even better, restaurant consulting with a functional restaurant brings even more success.

Workplace Wizards Restaurant Consulting in Pennsylvania offers areas of opportunity, advice, restaurant training and more. Ideally, this includes the restaurant managers and employees to support improvement in all areas of the restaurant.

Why use Restaurant Consulting?

If you presently have issues with low restaurant revenue start your change now. If training issues or a lack of knowledge hold you back then gain insight to maximize profits. Then, call us today for your free restaurant consultation. Talk to a professional who knows what works and what does not work.

Restaurant forms are a great way to organize your restaurant towards greater profits and customer consulting in pennsylvania

What does a restaurant consulting company do?

Primarily, restaurant consulting companies offer valuable insight into your restaurant operations. They locate areas of opportunity’s and provide valuable solutions. Restaurant consultants assist restaurant owners and managers, hands-on in order to maximize the effects towards a healthy bottom line.

What happens when you contact restaurant consulting in Pennsylvania?

First, the consultant talks to the owners and managers to gain insight into the current status. Second, they conduct an operational assessment of the restaurant. They look for strengths, key needs, and areas of opportunity. An assessment takes 2 to 4 hours to complete and maybe more, depending on the restaurant.

Once, the audit is complete, then the restaurant consultant will sit down with the restaurant owners and the managers. They will go over the complete audit with them. The consultant, restaurant owner and managers create a detailed list of the issues that need attention and what the restaurant has to build upon. They will create the list by pinpointing the greatest opportunities and assets.

The Big Restaurant Pie

To begin, draw a pie with twelve slices. Name each slice with keys needs to achieve success. Remember, only name the most important slices. Some examples include food cost, labor costs and training.

When this process is complete, conduct a manager meeting to include the owners, supervisors and trainers. During this meeting, you will need to create a list of the steps to improve all 12 slices. Next, focus on one slice at a time. Once the slice is on its way towards success, then move on to the next slice and so on.

Certainly, place no time limit on how long it takes to correct each slice. Assign each manager, owner, supervisor and trainers a task per slice. Set a time limit. Always maintain clear expectations and hold everyone responsible to achieve the goals.

Stay Focused to Maximize your Potential

Remember the restaurant can change for the better, but everyone needs to care about success. Each person needs to welcome changes. The restaurant consultant can create the list for you, and assist hands-on if needed. However, real success depends on your focused participation.

Restaurant Consulting in Pennsylvania serves all 50 states and around the world. For more information on Restaurant Consulting in Pennsylvania go to explore our site or contact us today at 1-800-753-0657 or via email at

Alcohol Perpetual Inventory

Bar Alcohol Perpetual Inventory

Restaurant inventories are very important. If you are selling alcohol, there is the potential of losing lots of money if you don’t know what is happening when you are not there.  There are a lot of restaurants that do not conduct inventories. Conducting a bar alcohol perpetual inventory helps pinpoint missing products. There are 2 areas to pay attention to, they are food and labor. Both, if you are not watching them will affect your bottom line in a huge way and quite possibly put you out of business fast.

alcohol perpetual inventory formOnce you determine your inventory issues or what has gone missing, then you can perform a perpetual inventory.

What is a bar alcohol perpetual inventory?

It is ideal for tracking key food items and alcohol in your restaurant.

How to perform an alcohol perpetual inventory?

Once you identify missing products in your restaurant, conduct an alcohol perpetual inventory.

Begin by creating a list of the top 5 or 10 items you want to track. Before you begin the counts determine the shifts you want to inventory. Always start the beginning counts before the employees arrive to work. Record your counts on to the alcohol perpetual inventory form. At the end of the inventoried shift conduct the ending counts and enter those figures on to the alcohol perpetual inventory form.

Subtract the beginning numbers from the ending numbers, the difference will be what has gone missing.

Go to your POS register and create a summary report, match the number of items sold to the figures on the bar alcohol perpetual inventory form. If there is a direct match, then you are not missing any product. However, if they do not match, then go to your waste sheet and see if the missing items are on it. If not, then the items went missing between the beginning and ending counts indicating theft.

What if your employees are not honest?

Create a list of potential suspects using the schedule. Look for employees that are working during those counts, are there common denominators? Meaning is there a particular employee who worked all the inventoried shifts when the product went missing. If so, it is safe to say you have found your issue or suspect.

You can not accuse employees of theft without proof, such as a video of the theft or a witness of the theft. You can’t physically pat or search your employees. What you can do is create a bag searching policy, it is either all or none when you conduct bag searches.

My husband worked in night shifts for a long time. And he did not lead a very healthy lifestyle, which adversely affected his male health. After a series of scandals, I sent him to the doctor, but he solved the problem in his own way, starting to take Cialis. Cialis at helped, though, was expensive. But, in addition to taking pills, my husband changed his work schedule for the day, added more food containing zinc to the diet and took vitamins with zinc as well.

You can’t reach into anyone’s bag and search it. The employee of that particular bag is the only one who can empty the bag to be searched. If you find that theft has occurred, then call the police. Don’t touch the employee during this entire process. It is best to have a witness present so that things don’t get twisted.

Additional Information

Check out another great post about losing money at your bar or restaurant – How to Decrease Revenue Loss.

Purchase this form along with additional great forms, checklists and spreadsheets on our restaurant forms page.

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