Employee Write Up Form

Employee Write-Up Form

This Write-Up Form is a 2-page document

There are times that a employee write-up form may be needed in any business. Perhaps employees need some correction to improve performance. Furthermore, use this form as a great tool to enforce policy. Also, always explain your expectations of employee attitude and behavior at work. Then when you need to correct an employee, they already know your expectations. Additionally, use it as a learning tool or a documentation tool. Always keep a paper trail of your employees in case it is needed for an unemployment hearing or lawsuit.

Even more important, if an employee files a claim against you, then the burden of proof falls on you. Furthermore, using a write-up form provides a clear paper trail. With clear documentation your chances of winning improve significantly.

Examples of when to use write-up forms

Protect your assets and always keep a paper trail on every employee that has:

  • Attitude Issues
  • Low Performer
  • Lateness
  • Absenteeism
  • No Call – No Show
  • Disrespectful to customers, crew or management
  • Insubordination
  • Profanity
  • Alcohol and/or drug use
  • Theft
  • Policy Violation

If the employee is terminated from employment at your establishment, and that employee files for unemployment compensation, then the write-up on that particular employee will be a tool to present to unemployment to prove your case as to why that employee was separated from your business.

This write up form if used consistently and correctly will help you in case an employee files for an Unemployment Compensation or a Civil Action suit. Write-ups act as a legal document that may prove your case. If an employee is late to work, or maybe a complaint came in from a customer, you should always document the issues no matter how small the problem. Keeping a paper trail may help keep down costs, especially if employee problems lead to big legal issues.

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Employee Write-Up Form


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Employee Write-Up Form – Page 1

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Employee Write-Up Form – Page 2

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