Food Waste Sheet

Food Waste Sheet

Do you have a way to keep track of how much food you are wasting at your Restaurant? Unfortunately, food waste causes money loss in restaurants every day. The Kitchen Food Waste Sheet lets you take control.

When you keep track of waste, then you place controls on losses. Also, you will know when to retrain employees who are often wasting food. In addition, it is a good practice to pair the Food Waste Sheet with your inventory. If you don’t have a record of what is happening, then you may not have any idea of how much you are losing.

What can you learn from tracking wasted food?

You can determine if there are issues with the servers placing orders incorrectly. Tracking wasted food tells you if kitchen staff makes lots of mistakes. For example, they over-cook or under-cook food, or make the wrong dish. Knowing the wasted foods helps you determine if employees “purposely” make mistakes too “eat the mistake.”

Pair the waste sheet with your Inventory and Cash Control to know what is happening. If you are having issues with certain foods being wasted, set up a perpetual inventory for tracking those foods more often to know where the loss is the greatest.

Too often we just assume that people are honest. In reality, there are big problems right under our noses and we miss them. Even the most trusted employees could be making mistakes. This gives you the chance to correct the problem. If one employee has consistency issues on waste, maybe they need some additional training or guidance. If that doesn’t work, then consider putting them in a position where waste is less of a concern, such as bussing tables or dishwashing.

When used with your inventory, this also can give you some clues on whether food is being stolen. When consistent food waste sheets record your wasted food, nonetheless, you find inventory “missing”, then it could be due to theft. Food prepared over the specifications on certain products also causes inventory issues. In either case, knowledge is power and you can correct an issue you know.

Food Waste Sheet


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Food Waste Sheet

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Food Waste Sheet

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