Product Delivery Returned

Product Delivery Returned Form

The Product Delivery Returned form is perfect to track any delivery issues that cause you to return items at the time of the delivery or just after the delivery. This also has an area to record the amount you received in the refund and when the refund was received.

This may seem like a simple form. However, if you don’t have a method in place to track the returns to your deliveries, then you may lose revenue to not receiving the refund. In addition, if you don’t check your deliveries you could pay for food that is inferior. This creates a paper trail in case you need to contact the vendor in the future and also whether this is a reliable food purveyor.

Why would you return a delivery or request a refund?

The Manager, Head Chef or the Kitchen Manager needs to be responsible for checking the truck off, mainly because there are so many issues that can occur such as:

  • Outdated
  • Spoiled
  • Distribution center shorted you products
  • Time and temperature incorrect

As you are checking the truck, always look for the above issues. Also, all frozen and refrigerated products need to be stored in the freezer or walk in immediately.

Reasons to use the Product Delivery Returned Form

Ice Crystals

Ice crystals indicate an item is refrozen. If an item was not placed directly in the freezer at the distribution level, it is possible the item started to thaw. Once the item was placed back into a freezer, ice crystals develop. Never ever accept that delivery because it may pose serious health risk to your guests. If you find ice crystals forming on any frozen foods do not accept it, and demand a credit.

Canned goods

Never accept bloated cans or dented cans. Any dent in a can is dangerous. Dents can lead to a hole in the can or cause the can to rust, which subsequently admits air or contaminates the food. If air gets into a can, then bacteria forms on the food inside. Bulging and rusty tins indicate that the food is no longer safe inside the can.

Cans that are bulging or dented, have been known to increase the risk of bacteria Clostridium botulinum. The bacteria Clostridium botulinum can cause botulism, which is a form of food poisoning. Because they are stored at room temperature, an improperly canned or dented canned food provides the dangerous chance for botulism spores to multiply quickly.

Never accept cans with no labels or labels on the wrong product. If you cannot read the ingredients then you may be serving something to the guest that can be a health risk.

Do not accept rusted cans. And most of all, never accept outdated cans.


Never accept foods that are not fresh. Pay attention to signs of non-quality product; bruised or discolored, slimy, wilted or the product has a strong odor. Also, never accept foods that are bruised or discolored. Make sure you physically go through each case of produce and only accept quality products.

Dry goods

Look for holes in boxes (indicates that rodents were present) also look for rodent droppings. In addition, always check for expiration dates.

Food Temperature and Conditions

For the most part, food service operators are becoming proactive in their approach to cold food management. Most restaurants have scheduled temperature checks, both ambient and core, for all foods in refrigerated environments. Managers and chains are also requiring a log of regular temperature checks from their distribution network. Though the trend is spreading, not all distributors are taking accurate temperature readings.

Inspecting your Meat, Poultry and Fish

Rely on your other senses and reference the following list to know what to accept and what to reject:

  • Fresh Beef – 40°F or lower
    • Accept if: Color – bright, cherry colored
    • Reject if: Black, white, brown, green or purple splotches. Broken  or damaged Cartons. Dirty or torn meat wrappers.
  • Fresh Pork – 40°F or lower
    • Accept if: Color – Pink Flesh with White fat
    • Reject if: Brown, black, white or green or purple or greenish spots. Dirty or torn meat wrappers. Broken or damaged Cartons.
  • Fresh Lamb – 40°F or lower
    • Accept if: Color – bright red
    • Reject if: Black, brown, white or purple or green spots. Damaged or broken cartons. Dirty or torn meat wrappers.
  • Fresh Poultry – 40°F or lower
    • Accept if: Texture: firm and springs back when touched
    • Reject if: Purple or green discoloration around neck. Darkened wing tips Abnormal odor. Stickiness under wings and joints. Soft, flabby flesh
  • Fresh Fish – 40°F or lower
    • Accept if: Eyes: bright, clear and full. Texture: flesh and belly are firm and spring back when touched. Packed with self-draining ice
    • Reject if: Fishy or ammonia odor. Eyes sunken, cloudy or red-bordered. Dry gills. The Flesh is soft and gives, so that the finger imprint stays if pressed into flesh
  • Fresh or Shellfish – 45°F or lower for live – 0°F or lower for frozen
    • Accept if: it is alive or moving or react to touch. Shells are firm, fully closed or close when tapped. If Frozen, it is fully frozen, with no ice crystals
    • Reject if: Shells are partly open and do not close when tapped. The Shell is soft, slimy, discolored for that type of shell. Strong odor. If live, no sign of movement

To conclude, inspect your food and use the Product Delivery Returned Form. After all, it’s your money. Can you really afford cash in your trash?

Product Delivery Returned Form


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