Restaurant Action Plan

Restaurant Action Plan

restaurant action plan

The restaurant action plan is widely used to work on areas of opportunities using areas of strength. In addition, you can determine what is an area of opportunity, it is the focus of this action plan.

When filling out the restaurant action plan, it might be a good idea to have other managers or employees involved in the process.

Be Objective and Set Goals

Sometimes getting another perspective on the situation can pinpoint the issues more accurately. It can also give you a more objective perspective. Create a game plan on how to fix the issue. Then, assign to the focus areas for each action plan.

When creating any restaurant action plan, always remember that the goals need to be sensible and attainable. Include a reasonable time frame to complete the assignment or goal.

The manager and employee meet weekly. The meeting is upbeat, positive and not negative. Ideally, you will focus on what success was achieved in the last week. Be professional, consistent and fair.

How to Create a Restaurant Action Plan that Works

Here is a step-by-step guide for creating an effective restaurant action plan. With a well-designed plan and daily action, you can achieve virtually any goal you set out to accomplish.

Know where you’re going

Successful leaders and professionals understand a simple idea, “If you don’t plan where you’re going, you’re likely to wind up anywhere.”

    • Be specific.
      • Not only must your goal be specific, but you must also create a specific intention. Also, create very specific tasks or steps that move toward the completion of that goal.
    • Create measurable milestones.
      • Once you have a clear picture of what to accomplish, then create specific goals. Next, set targets to hit throughout the time span of the project or period, the next step is to create measurable milestones.
    • Make a list. 
      • Create a list and accompanying timeline of specific action items or tasks to complete in order to hit those milestones.
    • Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.
      • Some tasks or milestones may seem more daunting to achieve than others. That’s when it makes sense to break larger tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks.
    • Put time lines on everything.
      • Without specific time frames and deadlines, work will definitely expand to fill the time allotted, and some tasks may never get completed

Create a Visual Representation


  • Once you’ve created your action items and set a specific timeline, the next step is to create some type of visual representation of your plan. 
    • You might use a flowchart, a Gantt chart, a spreadsheet, or some other type of business tool to accomplish this.
  • Schedule out your accomplishments. 
    • Have each person involved, grab their schedule or smartphone. Record small steps each day that leads up to accomplish their goals.
  • Work your plan and don’t stop until it’s complete. 
    • Once your plan is established, then share it with the team, managers, or individual employee. The next step is simple. Take daily action and follow-up with each person involved to ensure that everyone is doing their part.
  • Change the date if you must, but never give up on the goal. 
    • Occasionally, things happen that throw a wrench in your ability to complete tasks to achieve your goal. If this happens, do not get discouraged. Simply revise your plan and continue working to meet targets.

When you are conducting a one-on-one with an employee or a meeting with the team, be positive, not negative. Tell them what they are doing well.  The purpose of the meeting is to record the progress. If things stopped progress, determine what the issues are. Then decide the cause of the issues and how to correct it. It’s that simple.

These forms can be customized to fit your restaurant’s needs. Call (800) 753-0657   Local (717) 774-3698 for more information or email us at

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Goal Setting – Page 5

Restaurant Action Plan

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