Restaurant Labor Scheduling Estimate Chart

Restaurant Labor Scheduling Estimate Chart

This is a simple, but a great resource to estimate, schedule and determine your labor percentages. This Chart shows how many employees should be working based on customer counts per hour. It is important to keep the actual labor percent close to the projected labor percent and this chart helps with both those things.  Keeping labor under control can make a difference in the amount of profit you make.

The top part of this chart can be printed and a copy kept somewhere that your Managers can use it to determine when to start cutting people when the sales start dropping. It is also a great resource to help determine your labor percentages.

Also, use F-015 Hourly Sales and Customer Counts for projection purposes. The top half of the restaurant labor scheduling chart is the correct amount of employees needed to serve a specific amount of guests. The bottom half of the restaurant labor chart allows you to determine percentage estimates of the rate of pay and the labor cost per department.

Restaurant Labor Scheduling Estimate Chart Spreadsheet – Calculations

The calculation of the labor percentage automatically computes, when you input the amounts in Excel. It’s a great idea to use this chart when you go to set up your schedule.

To compute it manually, input the correct rate of pay per position. Multiply the total amount of employees working per position by the rate of pay to determine labor dollars per position. Total all the labor dollars per person, then divide the total labor cost of all positions by the total sales.

Printable Estimate – Restaurant Labor Scheduling
Estimate Chart


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Restaurant Labor Scheduling Estimate Chart

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Labor Calculation Section – Restaurant Labor Scheduling Estimate Chart

Restaurant Labor Scheduling Estimate Chart

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