The Manager’s Walk-through and Figure 8

The Manager’s Walk-through and Figure 8

Follow the Manager’s Walk-through and Figure 8 in this Training Manual PDF digital download – 67-page document.

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the Manager’s Walk-through and Figure 8 – What is the Managers Walk-through?

The managers walking path starts from the minute they step on to the restaurant/bar property until they are done for the day/night. Management should be trained in how to set up a shift prior to any peak time period or shift. The objective of the walkthrough tightens up any eyesores. The manager will also observe policies and procedures. Ideally, the manager avoids customer or employee related issues. The walkthrough occurs prior to opening the restaurant and during the shifts while the restaurant is open.

The Managers Walk-through and Figure Eight path of your restaurant only work when all managers follow the guide. Every manager uses this manual as a guide to set up the restaurant for success. The management team must fully dedicate to doing proper walk-through s. Owners, General Managers or District Managers monitor all management to ensure the walkthroughs complete consistently from shift to shift.

The Managers Walk-through Checklist

File the signed walkthrough checklist at the end of each walkthrough. The owner or district manager makes an unannounced visit to see if the walkthrough is followed. The walkthrough checklist maintains consistency with the signed copy of the walkthrough form during each shift.

However, some managers, not all managers, fudge the information by “pencil whipping” the form. This practice causes the restaurant to operate below standards. The purpose of the walkthrough corrects any eyesores, policies, procedures or violations before they become an issue. A proactive approach makes a big difference.

the Manager’s Walk-through and Figure 8 – The Managers Walking Path Starts Here:

the managers walk-through and figure eights

For the first initial walk-through inspection the manager corrects any eyesores, in addition to policy and procedures violations. As the managers observe the issues either they correct it on the spot or delegate it out to other staff members to quickly fix. This first process could take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete before any meal period.

Ideally, have the manager or supervisor arrive early to correctly perform the initial walkthrough. You might think to pay a manager to arrive early to perform a walkthrough inspection costs too much but think again. In contrast, customer complaints and dwindling customer counts cost you a whole lot more. The walkthrough inspection prepares the shift for success and then repeat business follows.

Maintain the Walkthrough

Once management completes the first walk-through prior to each meal period, then every other walk-through runs more smoothly. Keep up the walk-through to maintain every area in the restaurant. Delegate side work for both the front of the house and the back of the house. The Manager continues to walk the figure 8 path throughout the shift. Every Manager maintains the responsibility to monitor all areas and of the restaurant. Walking the Figure-Eights helps maintain that balance.

The Managers Walk-through and Figure 8:

A Guide to Restaurant Management

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67 Page Document (PDF Version)

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