Restaurant Training Manuals

Restaurant Training Manuals

Our restaurant training manuals are written as down-to-earth guides. They have easy to read steps and training ideas and ways to focus. When you look at our restaurant training manuals you will see they are based on real-life experiences. You can purchase them as paperback books or as downloadable PDF manuals that you can print or read on your computer, tablet or even on your phone.

We offer you a great deal on the downloadable restaurant training manuals if you want to purchase all four. You get a discount by getting all four downloadable books at only $29.99.

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Here’s a useful overview of the restaurant training manuals we offer: The links in each section will take you to more details about the individual purchase of the manuals.

Restaurant Manager Training Manual

Restaurant Manager Training

This has everything you need to train your managers. Do your managers work consistently? If not, then this training is a great training guide. It includes everything the manager needs to know. It shows what the manager needs to know for each workstation in the restaurant.

Restaurant Manager Training Manual Paperback

Downloadable PDF version $19.99

Restaurant Server Training Manual

The Server Training Manual has what you need to train your servers and front of house staff. It includes the steps of service and how the waiters and waitresses can apply that to their daily work. In paperback or downloadable PDF versions.

Paperback version: $14.99 

Restaurant Server Training Manual Paperback

Downloadable PDF version $9.99

Restaurant Kitchen Training Manual

Do your cooks know the correct food temperatures of all your menu items? Do you have cooks who are cross-trained in various kitchen positions? If not, then this guide will take you through the steps to get them up to speed. Available in Paperback from Amazon or downloadable PDF from our site.

Paperback Version: $14.99

Restaurant Kitchen Training Manual Paperback

Downloadable PDF version $9.99

The Managers Walk Through and Figure Eights

Restaurant Training Manuals - Manager

The Managers Walk Through and Figure Eights is an excellent step-by-step guide from the moment that your managers arrive at the property until they leave for the day. It covers every area of the restaurant interior and exterior and all the things the manager does at each station.

Paperback Version: $14.99

Restaurant Manager Daily Guide Paperback

Downloadable PDF version $9.99

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