Restaurant Human Resource Forms

Restaurant Human Resource Forms

Organize your employee files with the restaurant human resource forms bundle.

restaurant human resource forms

Restaurant Human Resource Forms

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Restaurant Human Resource Forms

Restaurant Human Resource Forms – Hiring Checklist and Information

During the hiring process, employees complete specific information before beginning their training.

  • Completed Application
  • W-4 Withholding, I-9 Employment Verification and Minor Work Permit
  • Employee Contact Information and Employee Handbook
  • Uniform Dress Code Standards and Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
  • Policies and Procedures Acknowledgement, Initial Fire/Safety Training and Food Safety Training
  • Schedule and Training Agenda and a Complete Tour of the Restaurant Facility

In addition to the above, record the employee name, address, phone, rate of pay, DOB, SS#, W-4 information, emergency contact information, etc. Then, file the information in the employee file. Store it in locked drawers or cabinets in the manager’s office. This private information is for “Manager’s eyes only.” The form retains important information to help meet USA regulations.

Restaurant Human Resource Forms – Orientation Checklist

Make your expectations clear to all employees, especially new staff.

Topics discussed include:

  • Introduction and Information: Restaurants History, Mission, Team-member Characteristics and Success of the Restaurant
  • Dress Code Standards: Pay period, scheduling of shifts, overtime pay, pay and benefits, breaks, evaluation and wages employee rate of pay and scheduling
  • Professional Behavior: Call-outs, tardiness, off-duty conduct, parking, smoking policy and phone policy
  • Point of Sale (POS) and Timekeeping: How to use the system, swipe cards, discounts, voids, coupons, comps, manager/employee meals and clock in/out procedures
  • Sexual Harassment: Sexual Harassment in the workplace and the open door policy
  • Security: Robberies, exit doors, cash and credit card handling, safety procedures and precautions
  • OSHA and Safety Training: OSHA regulations for restaurants/bars, surface maintenance, fire safety

Finally, the employee signs the form. The signature acknowledges that he/she read the information, understands the contents and agrees to follow it. File this form in the employee’s file in the manager’s office in case of litigation or audits.

Restaurant Human Resource Forms

Absence Request Form

Another form allows employees to request time off. Requests must be approved by the scheduling manager. Just because of a request, employees cannot expect that it be granted. Due to the restaurant staffing needs, you consider each request individually. Of course, schedules may be shifted or revised to allow people time off.

For example, valid requests include vacations, family emergencies, court appearances, jury duty or requesting off for personal reasons.

Application (2 Page Document)

All businesses need applications on-hand for potential employees. Every employee needs to fill out an employment application prior to scheduling an interview. This form helps the interviewer compare the employment application to the interview questions. This is a permanent record in the employee’s file. Even if you did not hire that person, generally you must retain that application for six months or a year.

Employee Write-Up Form

Maybe you need to document employee performance or conduct issues. Often this occurs because of poor or negative attitudes or performance issues. Furthermore, a paper trail is vital in unemployment hearings or lawsuits. The burden of proof falls on the employer to prove why the employee was documented or terminated. Without a paper trail, your case will weaken. It is also a great idea to a have a witness present and for he/she to sign the documentation.

Employee Performance Review

Evaluate your employee’s performance. Most important, review each employee’s performance periodically. Setting an action plan helps correct any on-going issues that employees experience.

Exit Interview

Before any employee separates from your business conduct an exit interview. Learn why they resigned and where you need to improve. Employees leave for many reasons, such as:

  • Inadequate Training
  • Uncomfortable Surroundings
  • Issues with Management
  • The rate of Pay or Benefits
  • Better Job Offer
  • Relocating to another area

If you find out why employees leave your business, then correct the issues. Reduce the rotation of additional employees exiting your business.

Training Feedback Form (2 Page Document)

Document training feedback as the employee progresses. Furthermore, the feedback allows you an opportunity to see if the employee is being trained properly. In addition, your training plan improves with honest feedback.

Manager 360 Feedback (5 Page Document)

To begin, give this form to your employees to grade your management staff. Always allow anonymous feedback. Similarly, use this to know if your management staff maintains consistency and fairness. Ideally, give this form to employees that you trust to stick to the facts.

Interview scheduling Form

Keep this valuable form up front when applicants enter your restaurant. Never let an applicant leave your restaurant without an interview or a scheduled interview. Remember when an applicant leaves your restaurant, they visit your competition. Sadly, the best employees may be the ones you missed.

Restaurant Manager Performance Evaluation Form (6 Page Document)

This fantastic tool documents your management’s performance. Record areas of opportunities, then create an action plan to correct the issues. Always include a measurable time frame for corrections.

Reference Check Form

Prior to making a job offer, perform a thorough reference check. Do you really know who you are hiring and how well they performed at previous job positions? Of course, hiring employees on the fly creates a domino effect of problem employees. A rotating door of staff restaurant impacts your business. Be proactive, and know who you are hiring.

Suspension Notice

Unfortunately, you may need to suspend employees for various reasons. Document everything to help prove your side in unemployment hearings or lawsuit. Always have witnesses available during the documentation process. Restaurant Owners and Managers must show proof of the reason the employee was suspended.

Restaurant Human Resource Forms – Individual Forms and related Bundles

If you want to view or purchase the Restaurant Human Resource Forms separately, then click on the links below. Remember, if you purchased the bundled Human Resource Package, it includes the individual forms below. Do not add these to the cart again. In addition, find related links to other bundles.

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