Cash Register Till Count Form
The Cash Register Till Count Form can be utilized in any business. Record the till dollar amounts onto the count sheets. This may be a usual amount that you use for your register start-up funds. After you record the amount, initial and date the sheet, then place the count sheet into the corresponding register till or tills for accountability purposes.
This procedure is to protect you. As the next shift arrives to work they recount the drawer with a witness to verify the cash till fund dollar amount for all your registers tills located in the safe. This keeps both the off-going manager and the on-coming manager honest as long as they follow the cash policies and procedures that you have set up for your restaurant.
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Cash Register Till Count Form
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Cash Register Till Count Form
Why should you use the Cash Register Till Count Form?
The number 1 reason to use this form in your business is for total accountability. How many businesses have had missing money from a register till that was located in a safe that only had the start-up fund in it? The answer to that question is, way too many. You can’t hold anyone legally accountable for missing funds without documented proof, video documentation, signed policy and procedure form or a signed job description / responsibility form. A witness to the incident or video documentation would be the best way to prove your case in a court of law or during an unemployment hearing. In today’s world, a paper-trail with signed documentation is needed to hold your staff members accountable. Installing video cameras with monitors can dramatically reduce potential employee related revenue loss. Being Proactive in every operational aspect of your business is key to wow customer service and your bottom line.
Remember during an unemployment hearing or a lawsuit the burden of proof is on the owner of the restaurant or business to prove why the employee was reprimanded, suspended or terminated from employment.
How to use the cash register till count form
Cut out using a pair of scissors each of the till count sheets, a total of four. The start-up fund should be the only money in that till that you are about to count. At the beginning of any shift, a fresh register till needs to be counted to verify the start-up fund. The start-up fund is a backup of rolled and loose coins and dollars. If you are conducting register till audits, then back out the drawer fund to know the precise (coins and bills) daily or nightly overage/shortage dollar amount. Example, the start-up till fund is $150.00, back out the start-up funds of $150.00 from the total count of the entire register till during cash audits and at the completion of your shift while counting down your assigned registers.
Technically, if the item cost $1.50 and it was input into the cash register, then the register should have the backup fund of $150.00 + $1.50 = $151.50. Train your managers and employees in cash control procedures. Remember, it’s not about how much you are losing today, it is about how much you could be losing in revenue in the days ahead.
Some restaurants set an acceptable dollar shortage for their registers. Example, you can tell the employees that if they are short $5.00 or more on their assigned register, a verbal or written warning may be needed depending on the severity of the shortage.
Let us say that this restaurant sets an acceptable dollar shortage of their registers at $5.00. Let us also say for example, that the shortage was only $4.99 and not $5.00, then, according to your cash register policies and procedures the $4.99 is an acceptable shortage and the employee will not be held accountable.
How to count down a register to the start-up fund only?
Ideally, both the off-going and the on-coming managers or supervisor should be present together while counting the drawers. The best way to count down the register to the start-up fund is to start counting the loose coins, then count the rolled coins, then all the singles and five dollar bills. As you start your counts, you are building your register to the start-up fund dollar figure. Remember to have at least $50.00 or more in singles and the rest in five-dollar bills. The loose coin counts should be rounded to the dollar.
- Start counting the drawer by counting all loose coins and rolled coins.
- Add singles and five to that count until you reach the till-fund dollar figure.
- Use a calculator as you count the pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and half-dollars.
- Enter all information onto the register till start-up fund count form.
- Total all the columns to the extended total column on the right side of the form, then
- Enter the grand total dollar figure of all the columns in the grand total column located towards the bottom of this form.
- Lastly, place your initials in the last shaded white box located at the bottom (right side) of this form.
- Place the register till startup fund count form into the corresponding till or tills.
The off-going manager will be held accountable for that till until the incoming manager takes over that shift along with the register tills. This form helps protect management, the on-coming manager arrives to work and counts all the tills (till start-up funds) in the safe. If you find a discrepancy in the counts, then recount the drawer. If the counts are still incorrect, then communicate with the off-going manager what you have discovered. Technically the previous shift should be responsible for the shortage, unless the person who was alone in the office (on-coming shift) counting the tills was responsible for the shortage.
This form, if used properly and consistently will help reduce potential cash shortages.
Cash Register Till Count Form
Counting your registers cash tills down at the end of your shift
For example, the total was $546.31 cash and coin count from your register at the end of your shift. The till starting fund is $150.00. If the total loose coin and rolled coin count was $14.31, then you would take that .31 cents and deposit it in your final cash deposit, leaving $14.00 left. Do the math, you need to build the drawer to $150.00 (starting fund). Add at least $50.00 or more in singles and the rest in five dollar bills. You should now have a $150.00 startup till for the next shift. Deposit the remainder of the cash and coins ($396.31) into your final cash deposit. Whatever the final cash deposit dollar figure comes out to, it should match to the penny to the cash till register cash to be accounted dollar figure.
Set the starting till fund up according to the volume of your business. If you are a low volume business, then $100.00 starting till fund may be suitable. If you are a high volume business, then $150.00 to $200.00 or more starting fund may be appropriate.
Start-up Amount
The rolled coins from each till should include the following rolls of coins:
- Quarters-1 Roll
- Dimes-1 Roll
- Nickels-1 Roll
- Pennies-2 Rolls
$18.00 total in rolled back up coins for each register till