How to open a restaurant

How to Open a Restaurant

Hello, we are Jeff and Donna Schim and we have helped other owners to learn how to open restaurants. First off, understanding how to open a restaurant can be a very difficult task. You probably already know that, but it is more challenging when you do not know where to start. Many people may not know how much work it is to start and maintain a restaurant. Let Workplace Wizards help you with yourRestaurant Start-Up.

From our own experience, we know it is a very stressful process. Often there are things you don’t think about. However, Workplace Wizards can help you with this process and reduce the burden and stress.

how to open a restaurant

Restaurant Start Up Services Include:

  • Providing you with the necessary resources and workplace training information to guide you in restaurant start-up
  • Training Management and Staff
  • Establishing and implementing policies, procedures and systems that work for your restaurant business
  • Above all, we customize it to meet your business needs


Some things to consider when opening a restaurant:

  • Restaurant location
  • Choosing the right concept for your restaurant
  • Who lives there?
  • Residential, Industrial or Business zones nearby
  • Accessibility is another important factor
  • Determining the target customers
  • Needs of the community
  • Income levels
  • Educational level
  • Area Crime rate
  • Applying for Permits and licensing
  • Business Plan
  • Setting up your menu
  • Implementing systems in your restaurant, also including Point of Sale (POS) Systems
  • Choosing food vendors
  • Hiring the staff
  • Then, training the managers and staff
  • Server Steps-of-Service implementation
  • Implementing WOW customer service

Opening a Restaurant – Use the Restaurant Start-up Worksheet

In addition to our services, we developed this form to:

  • Automatically calculate start-up costs
  • Provide information about how to open a restaurant
  • Find valuable links to business start-up information
  • Also, determine Recipe Costs for Menu Pricing
  • Even more great ideas for startups

Start-Up and Monthly Cost Calculation Sheet

how to open a restaurant

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start-up instructions

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Links on Business Information

starting a restaurant

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Menu Set-up and Pricing

restaurant menu

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Now Only $14.99

Everything You Need to Know to Open a Restaurant

Workplace Wizards provides you with the information and resourcesto get your business up and running. In addition, find lots of ways to maintain your restaurant using our Forms, Checklists, Reference Charts and Spreadsheets. Also, we have training manuals that are downloadable or you can purchase paperbacks.

We always work with our clients to provide the resources to get you moving in the right direction. Then, if you like, we can maintain that support with your restaurant as you grow.

What happens after my Restaurant has opened for Business?

Sometimes you lose the starting momentum and then the challenges get stronger. Once you get your restaurant open for business, then you will need to maintain it by establishing policies, procedures and systems. Also, hire quality management and staff members who promote consistency – a very important factor. Another major restaurant need is superior customer service.

In any case, you need to be better than the business next door.  It is also important for every restaurant to provide competitive food prices and menu items, a clean and sanitary restaurant, superior Customer Service and top-notch training.

Call us toll-free today (800) 753-0657 | Local (717)-774-3698

In addition, use the Contact Form to get in touch with us today to make your restaurant a success.

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