Store to Store Transfer and Borrow Sheet
Have you ever had to borrow product from another restaurant? Do you own more than one restaurant and sometimes need to move products from one to the other restaurant? The Store to Store Transfer and Borrow sheet tracks all items moving between stores.
Knowing transferred or borrowed items between restaurants impacts your bottom-line. Every restaurant needs to know what they have in stock and maintain a proper inventory.
Why do you think tracking the store to store transfers matters?
- Items will be identified for inventories at both stores
- Products may need to be returned or reimbursed
- You will be able to identify the reason, if there are discrepancies in the food costs of both stores.
The restaurant transfer borrow sheet is a great way to keep track of your products between restaurants. When conducting inventories and your food cost is not in line, always check to see if the product was transferred or borrowed between restaurants.
Restaurant Store to Store Transfer Borrow Sheet
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More about inventory and Cash Control
Are you doing inventory at all your restaurants? Furthermore, if you are not doing inventory it is possible you are losing money without realizing it. We also offer some excellent tools to track inventory, food costs and sales.
- Restaurant Inventory Count Sheet
– This simple form allows you to manually keep inventory in your restaurant - Food Costing Tool Spreadsheet
– Do you have a method behind the prices of your food? - Restaurant Prime Cost Spreadsheet
– Determine Prime Costs which include food costs, labor costs, in addition to other expenses at your restaurant - Weekly Food Inventory – No Alcohol
– This is a great tool to do your food inventory. There is also a version if you sell alcohol - Daily Sales and Food Inventory With Alcohol
– This is awesome to do inventory and daily sales - Weekly Alcohol Perpetual Inventory
– A perpetual inventory is great if you are losing money because you want to see which high cost items could be causing a loss